Saturday, October 20, 2012

Frightening exhaustion, a close brush against becoming burnt out, I've realized I need to start taking care of myself. Start treating myself decently, that whole 'learn to love yourself' concept that I've never quite seemed to master. So here are a few rules I am set on following every day (except the days in which I visit Sir). Hopefully, I'll stick to them. >.<

1) Exercise - 500-1000 crunches a day, 30 lunges, 50 punchy things
2) Eat healthy - scale way back on all of the recent junkfoods. This means fruits, veggies, smoothies - simply clean foods that make the body happy
3) 4 glasses of water and 2 cups of green tea a day. Pop limited to 1 per day.
4) Connect again to my spirituality
5) Write at least 3 times a week
6) Meditate every day
7) Create something little, even if it's just crafting a sentence of prose.

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